Thursday, December 4, 2008


Some more sexy goodies for FREEEEEEE ... From BIJOU..... these are located on the back wall near the pond..... I was reading another Blog today, and came across a little tiny article stating that ther was some really good Freebie stuff here at Bijou, so I thought Id come check it out as ther were NO photos..

As you all can see for yourselves, these outfits are extremely sexy , and high class, for all you Fashionable DIVA's out ther on a tight Budget..
what better way to get style, (nice stylish stuff) Than for free?

You tell me.. heheheheheheh

2 of these goodies contain several different colors and there are LOADs of options to create/ mix and match....

See for yourselves what you think ...

Here we have the Lovely Ladi Moonties and I showing off this fabulous outfit which runs in 4 different colors, and soooo many options as far as mixing and matching as well.. I am so thrilled right now .. WOOT Ladi looks so adorable in this set .. I so luv the Blue on her. It goes quite well with the red tips in her hair.. hehheheh ...

Here is the third and finall goody box.. It has one complete outfit in it .. shirts and Leather pants.. So sexy if u ask me.. hehe I lufff leather.. Its sultry and sexy.... lm/ taxi


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