Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hunt at Heart and Sole

Thought you all might want to check out this Sim Wide hunt here at Heart and Soloe.. So here is the information strait from teh Notecard I just recieved.....

Heart & Sole is having another SIM WIDE hunt!! The hunt will go from Feb 1 -15. So many great gifts for you to find! You are looking for pink hearts, like the one attached to this sign. They are all over the sim, some have gifts, some dont!Good luck!
There are 6 little red hearts inside Heart and sole, containing 3 pair of Glorious sexxxxxxxxy shoes/ that are a must for any show Luvvver , like me.. lol.. And I just had to grab these.. But due to LOTS opf Lag for This amazing Popular Hunt, please detach any prim items that you have.. IE.. hair, skirts, shoes, and everything else.. lol.. go in your undies and bra, and go bald. the best way to help reduce lag.. And its Very laggy ther right now.. So good Luck and have fun.. And remeber.. This is a Sim Wide hunt, so make sure to check out all the other shops on the Sim....


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