Sunday, November 15, 2009

Style for Cheap

Another Note card, that I have just read, has lead me here to the Boom , Discount store.. And You wont believe what I found for you.. I didnt know that BOOM had a discount store.. But when I read the notecard, I flew right here.. The discounts start at just 2L.. and go up to No more than 50L..
But first.. the things I found for you in these pics below, are ONLY.. 2L..... Yep.. 2L, each pic.. Thtas just the tip of the iceburg, as ther are many wonderful things to grab while you are here........

Also.. These shirts on the table are all 3L each, and so adorable...

Come on in and check out the discounts, and Have a field day........ I did .........................



His Lover said...

I came, I saw, I bought a lot of stuff. Thanks!

Vixation Destiny said...

I am so glad I am able to bring you all some wonderful items.. Your comments really do mean a lot to me.. Love to you all...........