Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Butterfly Christmas

On another wonderful trek Around the grid, still on the hunting trail.. ANd Bridjette has another wonderful Place fror you all to visit.. here at Butterfly Effects.... Sorry Men.. This one is only for the ladies.. I found NO guys gifts here.... Sorry............... So.. To get you ladies started.. First up we have this Very very very sexxxxay... outfit on the Mm bOard. for you ladies to come on in and slap away at, and hopefully get by Midnight tonight....... we need 200 slaps in order to get this sexxxxay goodie.....

Then we have 2 wonderful lucky boards, in which I heard Bridjette won the silks..... Great job.. Think you all can be as Lucky? Come on in and see ....

Also ther in the group of goodies is this wonderful Lucky Dip outfit.. Come on in and try your luck LAdies..

And since you are here... MAke sure to pick up this wonderful dollarbie outfit in the gift bag by the front entrance.. It's sitting up a bit so you might have to look closely for it..... But ity's ther... and Only 1L......

And as Bridjette is still on thehunt.. Come see if you can find the cup of steaming hot coco, with the candy cane in it, and pick up this staemy piece of outfit for FREEEEEEEEEEEE...


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