Saturday, July 24, 2010

Group H.E.R.A.

Hey all.. Just wanted to share a few wonderful FREEEEBies that I found today.. I believe I was randomly checking oiut another blog and came upon a free gift I wnated , so I came here to H.E.R.A. to check them out.. andf I was surprised that thre were not one, BUT 7 FREEEE gifts sitting on the floor for those who wish to join the group.. Yess it does take up a slot , but these gifts are sooooooo worth joining the group and staying in the group... Hope you all like them.. While you are here make sure to check out all the other fabulous clothes in the store.. Prices are reasonable, and the outfits are of decent quality.. So come on in and take a look for yourselves...

free gift #1, is 2 pair of white pants and 6 different colored shirts... (only black and red shown)

free gift #2 is this beatiful dress in 3 different colors... (only orange is shown).

free gift #3 is this cute little yellow and pink summer dress with matching shoes...

free gift #4 is this fat pack of shoes in 6 colors

free gift #5 is this pretty little mini dress that comes in 4 colors, and with resizable skirts..

free gift #6 is this pair of beautiful pink sandals..

Free gift#7 is this adorable pastel blue skirt set..

All are free when you join the group.. just touch to get..


Working at the Car Wash..

Hey hey hey.. Hope everyone is doing grrrrrrrrreat this early morn... The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and only a few scattered clouds are in the sky.. The temps are soaring, and what betyter way to enjoy the day then to take a tour of this wonderful 2 Sim , 2nd annual Car Wash.. Sale began July 21st, and will continue on till Aug, 16th..... Where NOTHING, outside is over 10L? So what are you all waiting for? We have vendors from Hasi's, Psyberia, Butterfly Effects, Dressing Aphrodite, Rezlpsa Loc, Estitica , Bliensen, Aqua, RBZ, and soooooo many more.. A must come and see experience, where you can find, clothes , skins, art, jewlery, gestures, and just about anything you want.. NOTHING over 10L..... Hope you all enjoy..
